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Daily Express:DYXnet Group Founder & CEO bolsters his quest to promote a Hong Kong ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurialism by playing a role in CUHk (1)
2018-05-14 |Press Release
DYXnet Group Founder & CEO bolsters his quest to promote a Hong Kong ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurialism by playing a role in CUHK E-day

YGZA5BYDRS-The DYXnet Mapping out a Green Future event demonstrates DYXnet's commitment to serving the Hong Kong community as a sound corporate citizen
2018-05-02 |Press Release
The “DYXnet Mapping out a Green Future” event demonstrates DYXnet’s commitment to serving the Hong Kong community as a sound corporate citizen

DYXnet Group’s mainland China operating company chosen as one of the first official members of the China Cross-border Data Telecommunications Industry Alliance
2018-04-04 |Press Release
DYXnet Group’s mainland China operating company chosen as one of the first official members of the China Cross-border Data Telecommunications Industry Alliance

ZRMKJ19W22-Daily Express:Work Smart AsiaDYXnet Group’s mainland China operating company chosen as one of the first official members of the China Cross-border Data Te
2018-04-04 |Media Coverage
Daily Express:DYXnet Group’s mainland China operating company chosen as one of the first official members of the China Cross-border Data Telecommunications Industry Alliance

2018-03-16 |Press Release
Prestigious “Caring Company” status bestowed on DYXnet Group for the second consecutive year

HOPE worldwide Great Santa Night Run
2017-12-18 |Press Release
DYXnet Group takes on title sponsorship of this year’s “HOPE worldwide Great Santa Night Run” to raise funds for needy children

prestigious DHL_SCMP
2017-12-08 |Press Release
Prestigious DHL/SCMP Hong Kong Business Awards scheme bestows enterprise honour on DYXnet Group for outstanding performance

platinum sponsorship of the Elevator Pitch
2017-11-03 |Press Release
DYXnet Group takes on platinum sponsorship of the Elevator Pitch Competition in Hong Kong for second consecutive year

DYXnet Group works with the HeadStart
2017-10-13 |Press Release
DYXnet Group works with the HeadStart@HKUST program to nurture Hong Kong’s business leaders of tomorrow

2017-09-06 |Press Release
第一线集团亮相2017全球云计算大会·中国站 一举斩获云鼎奖两项大奖

Dogged training pays off when DYXnet Group’s dragon boat crew paddles to glory in the “Family + Fish DYXnet Group Charity Cup” race
2017-05-31 |Press Release
Dogged training pays off when DYXnet Group’s dragon boat crew paddles to glory in the “Family + Fish DYXnet Group Charity Cup” race

0ZQPNOIJAN-Entrepreneur role model and activist Lap Man contributes to CUHK Entrepreneur Day
2017-05-15 |Press Release
Entrepreneur role model and activist Lap Man contributes to CUHK Entrepreneur Day

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